Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where is Everybody?

Protests against Obamacare have been going on all week. The DNC and Democrat media has been smearing protestors all week. Yet 3 Republican Senators (Snowe, Enzi, Grassley), remain huddled in cloak rooms compromising with the Democrats to breath life back into Obama's presidency and left wing agenda. The Washington Post has a story on this, but I can't find one damn conservative media outlet aside from an article written hours ago in the American Spectator alerting us on the RINO/ Democrat seance that is happening once again.

It makes you wonder if some of the conservative media outlets just want this garbage passed. Where are they? Why aren't they on the front lines right now, letting us know what is happening in the back rooms? I know some insiders who say that a compromise has come about this morning. Yet the media messengers are hours behind. Where's Paul Revere when you need him. The Democrats telegraphed their message war late last week, while National Review, etc., were busy planning the next cruise. We whine about the MSM being so powerful, while we busy ourselves talking about Obama Joker posters, or having a Star Trek discussion (see the cutesy Jonah Goldberg side of National Review's corner)

As for elected Republicans, lets see, 55 Senators to 40 Senators in less than 4 years. I'm sure we can get down to 30 by 2010. Just KEEP COMPROMISING!!! Keep following your ridiculous election strategies. Third Party, your table is ready.

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